Online Statistics Manager
All of the statistics you may need in one location

Through the Online Control Panel, it will be possible to supervise every aspect of your Internet presence. You will have at hand in–depth figures, which will give you actual information about the resources your web sites are consuming and also the visitors they’re having. You will also find some relevant information regarding Reliable Web Hosting’s web servers in general. The info is separated into segments, so its possible to instantly find your path around.
Server Information
Have a look at info on your web server
If you need to check out what is the existing release of PHP or MySQL or the OS of the web server where your web hosting account is located, go to the Server Data section of the Online Control Panel. There you can also find info about the installed Perl modules, the incoming and outgoing email servers, along with the physical IP address of the server.
You’ll find the web hosting server data board inside the Stats portion of the Reliable Web Hosting Online Control Panel.
Access & Error Reports
Get info on your web sites’ performance
With the details generated in the Access & Error Stats section of your Online Control Panel, you can easily locate any possible issues with the operation of your web sites. The access records will show you all types of data files such as texts, images and video clips that were reviewed by your visitors whilst the error records will document virtually any warnings and errors that have happened during their stay on your site.
You can open the access and error stats data files for each of your operational web sites from the Online Statistics Manager area of your Online Control Panel.
Web Traffic Statistics
The simplest way to keep tabs on site visitors’ flow
When you operate a prosperous site, it’s imperative that you understand a lot about visitors – just how many unique visitors your web site receives, exactly how many visitors get back to your web site, precisely what key phrases individuals utilize to locate your web site, and so on. Within the Online Statistics Manager section of your Online Control Panel, you’ll discover two traffic stats tools – Webalizer and Awstats that will assist you to get all the info you’ll need.
The instruments call for absolutely no configuration. Once your site is online, they will start accumulating info with no effort from you.
CPU Stats
Keep track of your web sites’ CPU load
The hosting server’s CPU is crucial for the connection between the web site and its visitors. The more complicated and resource–utilizing your web sites are, the more web server resources and CPU time will be required. Through the CPU statistics part, you’ll be able to monitor which particular site is using the largest percentage of CPU allocations.
You must consider procedures to enhance your websites in case the CPU utilization limit is reached. You will find elaborate reports for each day and month or for a full year.