The term "disk space" may also be called "disk quota" or "data storage", yet all these terms mean exactly the same thing - the amount of data that you are able to upload to a hosting account. The total size of what you have is determined by accumulating the space used by all of the content within your account, the most apparent being the types of files that you upload. Two more things are often forgotten by many people, though - emails and also databases. Larger attachments and databases of big script-driven sites can sometimes need a lot of disk space too. To use a more common analogy, the hard disk space of your home computer is taken not only by files that you download, but also by docs you generate together with software programs you install. In a similar way, numerous things are counted towards the hdd space your data employs on a website hosting server, not just the uploads.

Disk Space in Hosting

To match the processing effectiveness behind all of our cloud web hosting packages, we've studied and integrated the very best alternative for the disk space - your hosting account is not generated on a single server, but on a cluster system. For that reason, what we have developed is a large collection of servers that is centered on the file storing only, so you should never worry about not having enough space and having to switch to a different server because your present one cannot accommodate more data. In case more space is necessary, all we need to do is add more machines to the cluster, so that the storage space is virtually inexhaustible. Still, our Linux hosting are intended to be employed for web sites, not for a repository of large files. We also have separate machines for the databases as well as the e-mail messages.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you acquire a semi-dedicated server package from our firm, you do not need to worry about the hdd space that you're able to use for the basic reason that this characteristic is limitless. In contrast to lots of other website hosting suppliers who promise a similar service, yet make accounts using just a single machine where quite a limited number of hard disks can be connected, we use an avant-garde cloud system that employs groups of servers. Your files will be located on one cluster, the emails on a different one, your databases on a third one etcetera. This kind of system features 2 significant advantages - first, the hard disk space will not finish since we're able to connect more servers to each cluster that needs them, and second, the servers will run much more efficiently because they'll handle only one kind of processes. A semi-dedicated server plan provides you the flexibility to expand your sites as much as you'd like.

Disk Space in VPS Web Hosting

All of our Linux VPS web hosting services include a large volume of hdd space so as to fulfill all your requirements and not restrict the development of your web sites. Naturally, in order for you to manage just a single resource-demanding site or numerous smaller web sites, you'll require additional power as a whole, so the greater the VPS plan, the more hdd storage you will get. Switching between the different packages is very simple and the further space will be included in your account without transferring any data or stopping/restarting your server, so in case you reach the storage restriction of your existing package, you can always upgrade with a couple of clicks in your billing section. As we offer several web hosting Control Panels for our virtual private servers, you have two options for the disk space control - with Hepsia, all of the web sites share the whole server storage space, while with DirectAdmin and cPanel you're able to make separate accounts for the domains and set up an allocation for each account.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting

With all the disk storage that we offer with our Linux dedicated hosting services, we guarantee that you can run every web site whatever its proportions. You'll get a minimum of 500 GB storage, that you're able to use the way you see fit - even for personal file storage. By default, you'll have 2 hard drives, that can be employed separately, so as to use their total storage capacity, or they can be connected in RAID and one will be a duplicate the second one in real time to guarantee that you'll not miss crucial information in case of a hardware fail. You'll also be given the option to add more hard drives and increase the full disk storage at your disposal even further. This makes it possible for you to build a file or image depository portal without a problem if you'd like. Thanks to the cPanel and DirectAdmin hosting Control Panels that we provide, you'll be able to make an independent account for every single domain that you host on the server and set an allowance for the disk space it'll be allowed to use. If you get the 3rd option, our tailor-made Hepsia Control Panel, all of the domain names will be managed from a single and they'll share the full server disk space.